Block 1,
row 1, column 1
row 3, column 1
Block 2,
row 2, column 1
row 4, column 1
Block 3
row 2, column 1
Block 1,
row 1, column 3
row 3, column 3
Block 2,
row 2, column 3
row 4, column 3
Block 3
row 2, column 3
There are two additional repeatable varieties. The first one has a break in the line above TINA of ARGENTINA between the I and the N.
Block 1
Row 1, Column 4
Row 3, Column 4
Block 2
Row 2, Column 4
The second one has a noticeable dot under the first A of MARIANO.
Block 1
Row 2, column 3
Row 4, column 3
Block 2,
row 1, column 3
row 3, column 3
Block 3,
row 1, column 3
row 3, column 3
The third block has a variety found in two other blocks to be posted next. This variety has an M of MORENO that looks like the greek letter for M. It is found on row 3, column 4.