Sunday, August 18, 2024

Two 1943 slogan matching covers to the US

Both or these were sent by ship. The slogan reads "Rent a post office box and you will have a service with a preferred service with comfort and security."

Sunday, August 11, 2024

The 'many scratches' 2 pesos late issues plate variety

 This variety is so common, that I suspect it comes from the master dies used to populate the plate used to print the 1951 and later issues. The 2 pesos became a mid-value definitive in the 1950s due to inflation. I find this variety on the 1pL6 of 1956-57.

There are three large scratches: two upper left, and another one over the fruits area.

Here is this plate variety on a 1951 cover. This stamp is a 2p1L1 cream, a darker shade.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Doubled frame on 2 pesos cream

 I have two of these specimens. Luckyly, they are from two different paper printings.

The first one is a 2PCL2, a clay paper, and it shows some acid cleaning (which is easy to spot by the size of the white areas being slightly larger, notice it by comparing REPUBLICA ARGENTINA for both of these stamps).

The second specimen is a 2P1L, and it has more pronounced frame doubling.

This stamp has one of the most common late period 2p plate varieties:

The cream frame 2 pesos

 This is my favorite color for the late 2 pesos papers. It was used on the clay paper printing in the mid 1950s, and a 2P1L printing from the same time range.

There is a wide variation in the clay printing. Not only is the plate showing significant wear, and signs of acid cleaning; there is also a range of cream shades used, from a darker one, as is shown here, to very light ones. Here is the clay printing:

Do notice this specimen has the ever-so-slight doubing of the frame.

Here is a light cream specimen with some plate wear consistent with an acid wash:

Here is the 1L paper printing. I have yet to put a number on this stamp. It is not 1L1 or 1L6, that much I know.

This stamp is also found with a darker cream frame:

I have a couple of covers from 1952 bearing 2 pesos cream stamps.

The 2 pesos on this cover is the 'many scratches' plate variety.

While I have a single cover of the 2pCL2 cream, posted in 1955, shown below.

The 2 pesos early and late clay papers

 The 2 pesos value was printed with the first batch of clay papers and saw postal use in late 1943 and early 1944 and on dark colors identical to the colors being used at the time on the 2P1E3 of the early 1940s, and was then printed on the late clay paper in the 1950s with light colors that are identical to a printing on the 2p1L1 or 2p1L2 (I still have not completely separated some of the 1L papers). The early clay, the 2PCL1, is a very rare stamp on and off cover, and the late clay, the 2PCL2, is uncommon, but nowhere near as rare as it's "dark colors" counterpart.

Here are three 2PCL1s (probably all that I have!)

Here are three 2PCL2s from the mid 1950s. This plate got an acid was. I estimate this happened in 1952.

Here is a post in this blog about the acid wash to the 50c and 2 pesos plates.