Here is a link to the page from which all of these files can be downloaded.
2008 Notes Volume 1: Papers, Watermarks, Proofs, and Errors (Word, 30.8 MB)
How this series came about 13; Two proofs? 15; The Papers 16; Watermark Variations 24; A reference scan of the 1E1 watermark 25; The Straight Rays Diffused Watermark 26; Watermarks/Papers 25c 'Servicio Oficial' 29; ‘cents’ Papers 35; Papers on the 1/2 c value 35; Papers on the 1 c value 36; Papers for the 2 c 41; 'cents' issues that saw little postal use 43; 3c Moreno value 50; 3c San Martin Gray 53; 25c and 50c bundles part 3: watermark varieties 56; 30c 1E1 displaced center 57; Tiny ink dots on a 30c1E1 58; A 1p1E with an interesting printing variety 59

2008 Notes Volume 2: 1935 - 1944 Regular Issues Part 1 (Word, 28.5 MB)
San Martin combined use 12; The 10c Rivadavia Red 15; Printing details about the 10c Rivadavia Red 15; Selvage on regular issue 10c Rivadavia Reds 16; First selvage, with thin red stripe along the edge 16; Selvage with six horizontal narrowly aligned stripes 17; Selvage with a single bar 18; Vertical lines 19; The 1 peso With Map Boundaries 20; The 1E printings for several values 24; The 15cMG1E 24; The 20cJMG and MG Issues 25; The 20c Large Format Cattle 1E/1Ls 27

2008 Notes Volume 3: 1935 - 1944 Regular Issues Part 2 (Word, 34.9 MB)
25c and 50c bundles part 4: 25c1Es 14; 25c and 50c bundles part 5: 25c1E3s 17; 25c value colors between 1939 and 1946 20; Color variations in 1943 for the 25c value 23; 25c and 50c bundles part 6, 50c1Es 26; The 1E printings of the Large Format Pesos Values 31; The 1 Peso Without Boundaries Value 31; The 2 Pesos Value 39; The 5 Pesos Value 43; The 10 Pesos Value 47; The 20 Pesos Value 50

2008 Notes Volume 4: 1935 - 1944 Regular Issues Part 3 (Word, 35.0 MB)
The 1E printings of the Large Format Cents Values 13; 1E1 Specimens 13; 1E2 Specimens 34; 1E3 Specimens 43; 1E4 Specimens 60

2008 Notes Volume 5: Departmental Officials (Word, 28.4 MB)
Departmental Officials in the Deluca book 14; Departmental beginner's selection Part 1 15; Departmental beginner's selection Part 2 19; Departmental beginner's selection Part 3 21; Departmental beginner's selection Part 4 24; Departmental beginner's selection Part 5 26
M.A. officials, part 1 30; Agriculture Departmental Officials M.A. 31; Officials M.A. 30c with two plate varieties 36; The M..M variety 38; 1 peso without boundaries departmentals 41

2008 Notes Volume 6: Servicio Oficial’ Issues (Word, 29.1 MB)
The 'servicio oficial' overprint plates 14; "Servicio Oficial" first small format overprint plate 18; "Servicio Oficial" second overprint plate 20; "Servicio Oficial" third overprint plate 22; "Servicio Oficial" deformed S 24; 1 peso "Servicio Oficial" 1E4 inverted overprint 26; A few 5c and 10cBR 'Servicio Oficial' 27; Three 'Servicio Oficial' 1E blocks 30

2008 Notes Volume 7: 5c, 10cBR, 20cLC, and the 1945-1950 Regular Issues (Word, 33.0 MB)
5c typographed 1937/38/39 14; 5c typographed 1940-45 16; 10c Rivadavia Brown First Clay Papers 19; 10cBR Wavy Rays of 1941/1942 24; 10cBR unwatermarked grid paper (NGR) 27; 10cBR unwatermarked opaque (NOP) 29; 10c Rivadavia Brown Straight Rays 30; 10c Rivadavia Brown Horizontal Watermark clay of 1950 34; 10c Rivadavia Brown Vertical Watermark clay of 1950 37; 10c Brown 1Lx papers type B 38; 10c Brown 1L5 Zarate type A 40; 10c Rivadavia Red Brown Official 42; 10c Brown Worn Die 43; Varieties in the background color for the 20c Bull (20cLC) 44; 20c Bull (20cLC) first and second watermark 45; Color varieties of the unwatermarked 30c 49; A few color varieties of the NGR large format values 52; Over-inking error on the 1pNGR 53; Two NOP items 54; Two clay items 56; 25c and 50c bundles part 2: scarce types 57

2008 Notes Volume 8: Regular Issues 1951 onwards (Word, 25.5 MB)
25c and 50c bundles part 7; 50c1Ls 13; 1 peso Antarctica 19; 1 peso Antarctica watermarks 20

2008 Notes Volume 9: Plate Varieties (Word, 30.1 MB)
Two plate varieties 14; Plate Varieties of Several Small Format Values 18; Several 1/2c 1E Plate Varieties 18; Several 5c 1E Plate Varieties 20; Several 15cSC1E Plate Varieties 26; Plate varieties of the 20cLC 29; Less prominent plate varieties of the 20cLC 32; Major plate brake in the background image field 35; Revisit of a plate variety 36; A 25c value plate variety 39; Faint sun on several 25c1E3s 41; A few plate varieties of the 25c value 45; Repeating variety for the 30c1E1 46; A 30c1E1 plate variety 48; Plate varieties of the 50c 50; A plate variety of the 1 peso 51; Plate varieties of the 2p late printings 52; 5p1L "Lobster" plate variety 55; Plate varieties of the 5p late printings 58

2008 Notes Volume 10: Postal History (Word, 27.4 MB)
1pL covers in presentation book 1 14; 1p1E covers, first batch 15; Question about usage to Germany 21; Two matching covers from 1938 24; A censored cover 26; Question about a postmark 27; 30c 1E1 with nonsensical cancellation 28; Type I cancels 29; Question about a postmark 31; A few slogans 32; Six slogans from 1936 33; Postal entire 36; A post office box receipt 37; A postal entire overprinted "sin valor postal" 40